It has to come from the heart,
what works from the heart.


From now on only people with a lot of heart fit into my life!


There are different types of relationships. A beneficial relationship for us should be one of love, Esteem and benevolence. This applies to a partnership relationship as well as friendly or family contacts.

It is necessary to invest time and energy in a relationship in order for it to fulfill us. However, relationships can also change over time. Talking to one another is important in a relationship in order to learn about and understand each other’s needs. A “real” contact is enriching and fulfilling for everyone involved.
But how does a real contact feel anyway?

Before we bond, we should begin to develop a relationship with ourselves.
It is important for us to recognize our needs and inner values and to learn to communicate them to others.

We can find out all of this together in individual discussions or in groups.